
about Retractable
Wow Factor and Engagement:
Flexibility and Versatility:
design codes
BSEN 1990: 2002
BSEN 1991-1-1:2002
BSEN 1999-1-1:2007
Retractable Design

Increased Comfort:
Style and Aesthetics:
Increased Usability and Functionality:
Overall, a retractable roofed canopy is a smart choice for schools looking to enrich their outdoor spaces, providing an innovative, engaging, and practical environment that caters to diverse needs
Retractable gallery

Not entirely sure what you want:
We’d be delighted to get involved with your Canopy project and try to help wherever we can. We understand that you may not see exactly what you’re looking for initially, many of our customers weren’t sure either, so that’s why we would love to hear from you to better understand exactly what you’re trying to achieve, and how you’d like the Canopy to look, feel and work, from these initial conversations we’re confident we can adapt and design our Retractable Systems to suit your space and surroundings, making you feel it was always there, and very much a part of school life.